
Mostrando postagens de 2017

Lidar com a dor

Dor? Remedio nela.  Não é bem assim. Que aviso ela está dando para nosso corpo e mente? Não podemos nos desconectar dos avisos, pois a dor é um mensageiro.  Veja que post interessante  September 22, 2017 The Message of Pain Valuable Information by Madisyn Taylor Both emotional and physical pain are messages that we need to stop and pay attention. When we feel pain, our first impulse is often to eradicate it with medication. This is an understandable response, but sometimes in our hurry to get rid of pain, we forget that it is the body's way of letting us know that it needs our attention. A headache can inform us that we're hungry or stressed just as a sore throat might be telling us that we need to rest our voice. If we override these messages instead of respond to them, we risk worsening our condition. In addition, we create a feeling of disconnectedness between our minds and our bodies. Physical pain is not the only kind of pain that lets us know our a...

Diferentes habilidades geram resultados similares

Muitas vezes eu tento explicar que o ser humano se destaca por usar ferramentas. Esta semana uma republicação na TV de reportagem de um jornal mostrou macacos-prego na caatinga brasileira usando ferramentas rudimentares. Quem sabe em 100.000 anos eles tenham uma civilização própria. Se não os destruirmos antes. Voltando ao tema, encontrei hoje um artigo da Madsyn Taylor do Daily Om, que faz uma analogia com remos, ao invés de ferramentas. Some of us use our high IQs to get where we want to go. Some of use our smiles, others use kindness, a gift with language, or athletic ability. Some of these qualities we were born with and others are skills we have learned. Considering this metaphor in light of your own life can be very enlightening. What tools are you using to get from point A to point B in your life? Chances are, you and the people you know have used many different tools in various combinations throughout your lives to get where you needed to go. Just as with oars or pa...