Já pensou isto no seu currículo? First Lady

Eu estava vendo o perfil de certas pessoas no LinkedIn, uma ferramenta de "networking" profissional, e acabei me deparando com o do Barack Obama e o da Hillary Clinton.
Agora está na moda as mulheres, quando tem um intervalo em sua carreira, que ficou em casa tendo ou criando filhos, colocarem estes anos em seu historico profissional como "Full time parent" (mãe ou pai em tempo integral), o que acho muito justo. Agora, eu não tinha pensado em ter no currículo umas entradas como "primeira dama". E claro, o da Hillary tá cheio disso e achei interessante:
Hillary Clinton for President
( Political Organization industry)
2007 – Present (1 year)
Senator from New York
United States Senate
( Legislative Office industry)
2001 – Present (7 years)
First Lady
United States of America
( Government Administration industry)
1993 – 2001 (8 years)
First Lady
State of Arkansas
( Government Administration industry)
1983 – 1993 (10 years)
Attorney, Partner
Rose Law Firm
( Law Practice industry)
1977 – 1992 (15 years)
First Lady
State of Arkansas
( Government Administration industry)
1979 – 1981 (2 years)
University of Arkansas School of Law Fayetteville
( Higher Education industry)
1974 – 1976 (2 years)
Impeachment Inquiry Staff
Judiciary Committee, US House of Representatives
( Government Administration industry)
1974 – 1974 (less than a year)
Staff Attorney
Children's Defense Fund
( Legal Services industry)
1973 – 1973 (less than a year)
Hillary Clinton for President
( Political Organization industry)
2007 – Present (1 year)
Senator from New York
United States Senate
( Legislative Office industry)
2001 – Present (7 years)
First Lady
United States of America
( Government Administration industry)
1993 – 2001 (8 years)
First Lady
State of Arkansas
( Government Administration industry)
1983 – 1993 (10 years)
Attorney, Partner
Rose Law Firm
( Law Practice industry)
1977 – 1992 (15 years)
First Lady
State of Arkansas
( Government Administration industry)
1979 – 1981 (2 years)
University of Arkansas School of Law Fayetteville
( Higher Education industry)
1974 – 1976 (2 years)
Impeachment Inquiry Staff
Judiciary Committee, US House of Representatives
( Government Administration industry)
1974 – 1974 (less than a year)
Staff Attorney
Children's Defense Fund
( Legal Services industry)
1973 – 1973 (less than a year)