Somos abençoados pelos desafios
Fico quebrando a cabeça para aprender a mexer com os "strings", superfícies e volumes do SURPAC, um software nosso, que na verdade não é difícil como um outro, para geologia e lavra de depósitos estratigráficos, um tal de MINEX. Esse é complexo. Pois é, tenho meus desafios.
Mas semanalmente um colega nosso lembra dos desafios de um dos maiores gurus do MINEX, que sofreu um aneurisma múltiplo e entrou em um estado quase vegetal.
Os emails vêm assim: "To update you on Pat’s condition:
- The physical therapy is producing good results! He is able to move his head from side to side and backwards and forwards, which is a big improvement from a week ago
- He is also beginning to move both his left arm and his left leg
- And most exciting of all: he can brush his own teeth and wash his own face now!
- They have begun to feed him yogurt and pudding, and he is able to digest them both
- He is able to sit up on the edge of his bed and in a chair for hours at a time
His improved condition is a direct result of your prayers and support, so please continue to remember him from time to time."
- The physical therapy is producing good results! He is able to move his head from side to side and backwards and forwards, which is a big improvement from a week ago
- He is also beginning to move both his left arm and his left leg
- And most exciting of all: he can brush his own teeth and wash his own face now!
- They have begun to feed him yogurt and pudding, and he is able to digest them both
- He is able to sit up on the edge of his bed and in a chair for hours at a time
His improved condition is a direct result of your prayers and support, so please continue to remember him from time to time."
Ou seja, não tem como não se comover com o progresso de alguém em conseguir mover um braço ou engolir um iogurte. E escovar os dentes. Coisas que não damos nenhum valor no dia a dia. Minhas preces estão com o Pat.
Em tempo, postei aqui uma foto do novo Buddha que comprei em Ouro Preto, vindo das Filipinas. Fiz um pedestal para ele, cobri com uma orquídea e deixei a cascata atrás. A vela ilumina a noite dele, assim como ele me ilumina a mente durante os dias.