No trono pode, mas na mesa de jantar, não!

Vejam a pesquisa abaixo:
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 19, 2009 – According to the recent "Intel Holiday Mobile Etiquette" study conducted by Harris Interactive* and sponsored by Intel Corporation, most online U.S. adults (80 percent) feel there are unspoken rules about mobile technology usage, and approximately 7 in 10 (69 percent) agreed that violations of these unspoken mobile etiquette guidelines, such as checking e-mails, sending text messages and making phone calls while in the company of others, are unacceptable.
Mobile etiquette breeches have particular relevance during the upcoming holiday season, as the survey found that more than half (52 percent) would be offended if they were at a holiday party and someone attempted to secretly use an Internet-enabled device, such as a laptop, netbook or cell phone, at the table. The restroom, however, doesn't seem to command the same reverence when it comes to mobile technology. Despite hygiene considerations and potentially awkward explanations, 75 percent feel it is perfectly appropriate to use Internet-enabled devices, including laptops, netbooks and cell phones, in the bathroom, with only 25 percent agreeing that it was inappropriate behavior.
O que voce acha? Que temos que ser educados e respeitar a etiqueta anterior ou criar uma nova etiqueta pois o mundo mudou graças à internet móvel?
Aqui em casa estou vivendo um drama: tenho que almoçar correndo no domingo pra poder dar conta dos afazeres tecnológicos..E de forma alguma sou vista com bons olhos.
Agora atender o telefone, infelizmente temos de fazê-lo quando estamos com os outros...é falta de etiqueta, eu sei..mas e se a mamãe escolher justamente essa hora pra contar aquela fofoca ou o chefe quiser dar uma bronca..Não dá pra esperar!
Acho que devemos reajustar nossa vida, levando em conta as nossas necessidades e conciliando com bons modos.
Glorinha Kalil tem bastante trabalho pela frente.